Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May 21, 2012

Hello hello everybody!!!!!! First off..... Poky won state?!?! Wow!!! How awesome is that!! Congratulations Joseph :) couldn't be happier for you buddy.. I remember both years when we went to state and we went 2 and bbq.... I remember going back to the hotel and just laying there like wow... Wow..  hahaha. Not as bad as basketball state my junior year though! Man oh man... That was no fun.. But winning that state title I bet was A LOT more fun!! haha. That's really cool.. I'm so happy for you buddy!!! I'm really happy for Vinny too.. Wow. How awesome is that. I love him.. I knew a state title would be coming his way soon.. Please tell him I said hello and that I love that man. That really is just so cool.. So happy for ya. Well well well...

We found out who is coming to our mission on June 2nd... and you wouldn't believe it butttt...... It's Jeffery R. Holland! Haha oh man.. Can you believe that? So crazy.. I was so lucky to get to see him in the MTC now I will get the opportunity to shake the mans hand!!!!!! It is going to be a really neat experience. I am really excited!! I just can't believe how lucky I am.. It is going to be awesome. We are meeting over in Apex so I'll have to travel about 20-30 minutes so it won't be too bad.. well, if I don't get transferred. We find out who gets transferred on Saturday so it won't be long before I know!!! I doubt I'm going anywhere though.. With that being said, I have some families that I really would like some cards sent to.. Dad, would you mind doing that? Unfortunately I don't have their addresses right now but I'll definitely get them!!

So you went out to RP's homecoming?!?! That's so wonderful to hear!!! that makes me really happy. I miss that kid so much. I love him! Did you give him my address? If not, can I get his? what did Lacey say? Did she say how much she loves and adores me?? Hahaha jk but Is she dating anyone? I love LP! Haha she is awesome.. That's really good to hear that people still remember me.. haha I mean sometimes you just lay there and think to yourself.. man... I wonder if people even notice I'm gone but obviously that's not the case!!....... yet. hahaha. Brendon is good to go though huh?! oh man that's so cool to hear.. I really am so happy for him. Can I get his address? Also, I know Decker's homecoming will be coming up as well... PLEASE make sure you are there.

Couple things before I forget, what did you decide on retainer, GPS, absentee ballot and white shirts?

Also, thank you so much Jacob and Jacie for the wonderful candy and cards this week!! I truly do love them so so so much and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.. Really does mean a lot to me. Thank you.. A lot..

Well, dad asked me how our contacts are going and honestly.. not the best. We've had a couple people drop us lately.. But, we are still staying busy!! Fortunately we still have enough to do! We are still teaching Sister Perry and Sister Walton.. Hopefully we can continue to help them progress!! They are somewhat hesitant but at the same time they love learning so it's interesting. We did a lot of service this week honestly.. We had a lot of different things that we helped people with so that was good! Kind of gave us a little break!

By the way.. the guy sitting next to me is obviously a Yankees fan.. He is on their website right now.. what the heck!! HOW ARE THEY 5.5 GAMES BACK!!!?!?!?!?!?! WHAT IN THE WORLD!!?!?! Man.. Bologna. Haha I can't help but look off his screen.. Tender mercy.. tender mercy..

The two pictures I sent are of me and Sister Young.. She is a office missionary who is going home this week... She is so wonderful. I love her! She is from Green River, Wyoming. She was in my ward.. as are all the office missionaries so it was really fun to get to know her but sad to see her leave. Then the other one is me with Daniel and Manuel! It was Daniel's birthday so we went over there and threw him a little party... Nothing special haha. They said that they never EVER do anything for their birthdays so we felt really bad. I mean other than what we did for them they didn't do anything.. he didn't get anything.. so sad. Truly makes me realize how lucky and blessed I am to have the wonderful family that I do.. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart. By the way.. Notice the hair? Yeah.. Couldn't stand doing it anymore hahaha.. Plus it feels a lot better in the heat. Oh, the third picture I sent is a picture of a disc golf course here.. We went this morning with some members.. This maybe will put into perspective what I mean by a lot of trees are out here and how you can't see anything past them!!

How funny to hear about that Pollard family get together!! Mom's description of Brendas food is hilarious!! hahaha.. I can't tell you how funny that is to me. Glad to know that I'm not missing anything there ;) hahaha. Well.. I should probably get going.. I love each and every single one of you so very much. Yall are the best family I could ask for and I am so thankful to be apart of it. Mom told me that Heavenly Father blessed me with a lot of talents and blessings but the best blessing and gift of all is being able to call you my family. I truly have been blessed with so much in my life.. How selfish would I be to not offer myself to the Lord for two years? What would that say about me and the person that I am? I know that Christ lives and that he loves us each with a special love. How great we are to be blessed with one another. Congratulations again Joseph.. Please, tell Vinny I said hello and that I love him! Could you possibly just get me his address? Or the address to the school so I can write him? I would really like that.. Well, I love you. I really do!! Thank you again all so very much for the wonderful emails and letters.. I can't tell you how much they mean to me. Really.. I can't. Talk to everybody soon :)

Love with all my heart..

Elder Joshua Kevan Pollard

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